2025-2026 Arrangement of Application as below:

Those who intend to apply for N1 to K3 class of the school year 2025-2026, can submit the application form on the specified date and time. The application detail are as follows:

Date of application: 
Starts form 16 Sept 2024.

Application Period:

Monday to Friday : 2pm -4:00pm
Saturday: 9:00am – 11:30am

Method of collecting application form:

(1) Download form school website.
(2) Obtain form school in person.

Submission of Application Forms:

(1) Submit the application form in person with supporting documents (Please refer to Notes on Submitting Application Form) and application fee $40.00. The application no. will be issued after submitted all required documents

(2) Submit the application form by post with two return envelopes(Please refer to Notes on Submitting Application Form for envelope specifications) other supporting documents can submit later.

Application Notes:
(1) Age appropriate admission in 2025-2026 (for reference)
   N1: Children born on or before September 1, 2023
   K1: Children born on or before December 31, 2022
   K2: Children born on or before December 31, 2021
   K3: Children born on or before December 31, 2020

(2) please phone 3156 1255 if any enquiry.

EDB's website on Admission Arrangements for Nursery(K1) Classes in Kindergartens
Please visit http://www.edb.gov.hk/k1-admission_e

Information on Admission to K1 Classes in the 2025/2026 school Year



Arrangement for admission application of non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) Children

1.When interviewing NCS children, interpretation and/or translation service for applicants will be provided where necessary; or parents and children are allowed to be accompanied by a Chinese speaking relative/friend to facilitate communication.

2. Enquiry Telephone Number and Email Address for Parents of NCS Children in our school
     Telephone: 31561255
     E-mail: n11lutheran@yahoo.com.hk